Thursday, March 6, 2014

Hype (ESSAY)

     According to Kalle Lasn the author of "Hype", She states that there are lots of advertisements everywhere and that there is to much hype.In my opinion advertisements are in places where your eyes see..Advertisements are in each place you go to.Advertisements are in stores,streets or t.v shows you watch on t.v.They are also to much hype.
     You can't live without advertisements they follow you everywhere you go.They are very important because they let you know what is going around you or let you know of a product they are selling or let you know what things are on sell.Advertisements are sometimes helpful and sometimes annoying.They will always be advertisements even if some people don't like it.Some people find advertisements helpful and useful others find it annoying and useless.

     Advertisements are in high places and low places you will always find a advertisement for each and everything.Each product or concert or news have advertisements.I notice advertisements in buses and trains when i go to school.I can't live without out advertisements even if i don't go outside i watch them on t.v.Advertisements will get your attention no matter where you are.They might be big or they might be small.
     I think advertisements are very hype because people always have to put them everywhere and people get tried of seeing them everywhere everyday.Advertisements should not be so much hype and over reactive.I sometimes find advertisements useful and helpful.Advertisements are over hype by the sellers in other to sell their products or promote.

    They will always be advertisements and sellers.Advertisements are very important in our life's.Without Advertisements people would never know what to buy or see what is on sell and the seller won't sell their product.I find advertisements hype and annoying but are very useful.Some people don't like them some do.

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